"Unlocking your best health through nutrition"

From The Desk

Hello, I'm Dietitian Anushma Agrawal, with a passion for transforming lives through the power of mindful eating. According to me nutrition is not just about counting calories or following latest trends but its about nourshing your body making gut healthy and proper functioning of hormone.

We provide personalized and customized plans for Weight managment, Diabates, PCOD etc. Remember small changes leads to big results. I'm excited to be part of your health and wellness transformation feel free to reach out with any question or to get started on your personalized nutrition plans.

Explore website to learn more about my services schedule your consultation and embrack on the journey towards healthier and happier you.

What We Offer

Choose Your Goal

Weight Loss

Melt your body fat with a healthy diet, regular physical activity, hydration, and consistency. to achieve your goal weight.

Weight gain

Want to build physique while losing weight with good diet and exercise. Yes it's possible consult a query to achieve your goal.


Polycystic Ovary Disease Tired of irregular periods, weight gain or taking number of pills. You are at right place to reverse your pcod. Book your consultation to cure your discomfort due to pcod.


Chronic condition affecting blood sugar levels, cravings, require management through diet, exercise and monitoring. Book your consultation to control your blood sugar levels.

Wedding Package

Perfect plan for a bride and groom to be want to achieve sensible and lasting weight goals before their wedding. Book your consultation today for a better tomorrow

Why Choose Us

Personalized Approch
Sustainable Diet
Success Rate


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